6 July 2022


MASTERS – Make Apprenticeship attractive in European SMEs KA2 Masters Destinatari Obbiettivi Attività Link Masters Titolo MASTERS – Make Apprenticeship attractive in European SMEsKA2 – Cooperation […]
4 July 2022


Titolo Creating OppoRtunities for Adult Learners through entrepreneurial competencesAcronimo CORALDurata 25 mesi (dallo 01.09.2019 al 30.09.2021)Azione KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practicesProgramma ERASMUS+
4 July 2022

4 Export

Titolo Apprenticeship training for internationalization activitiesAcronimo 4 EXPORTAzione KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practicesProgramma ERASMUS+Durata 24 mesi (dallo 01.20.2019 al 30.09.2021)Codice progetto 2019-1-ES01-KA202-063864Capofila Instalofilevantes (Spagna)Partner 4 Partner di 4 […]
3 July 2022

VET21001 implement A standardized practical toolkit to implement eqavet

Titolo A standardized practical toolkit to implement EQAVETAcronimo VET21001Azione KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practicesDurata 36 mesi (01.09.2019 al 30.08.2022)Programma ERASMUS+Codice […]
3 July 2022


Titolo Financial Literacy for Woman in the NEET systemKA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practicesAcronimo FLOWDurata 24 mesi (dallo 01.09.2019 al 30.08.2021)Programma ERASMUS+Codice progetto 2019-1-HR01-KA204-060785Capofila Stankovic d.o.o. (Croazia)Partner 5 […]
3 July 2022


Titolo MOBILITY FOR ALL: THE FAIR CHOICEKA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good PracticesAcronimo MaYFAirDurata 36 mesi (dallo 01.09.2019 al 31.08.2022)Codice progetto 2019-1-BE01-KA202-050530Capofila ALPHABET FORMATION (Belgio)Partner 9 Partner di […]
2 July 2022


Titolo INDUSTRY 4.0 for VETKA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good PracticesAcronimo InVETDurata 26 mesi (dallo 01.10.2018 al 31.01.2021)Codice progetto 2018-1-CZ01-KA202-048179Capofila BIT CZ TRAINING (Repubblica Ceca)Partner 7 Partner di […]
2 July 2022


Titolo Content Audio Video management SyStem PlusKA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practicesAcronimo CANVASSDurata 36 mesi (dallo 01.09.2017 al 31.08.2020)Codice progetto 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036749Capofila E.RI.FO (Italia)Partner 9 Partner di 4 […]
2 July 2022


Titolo STEPS E-Skills Training on Employability Practices & SolutionAcronimo E-StepsProgramma ERASMUS+Azione KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practicesCodice progetto 2020-1-PL01-KA202- 081778Durata 24 mesi (dal 01.10.2020 al 30.09.2022)Capofila Euro Lider […]